I just recently got into college and I'm still adjusting and stuf :[
Which sidenote, i forgot how much I tend to doodle during class
BUT I picked up work on the episode again recently and its been going well! Sooo I'm hoping to get it done in saayy the nexttt 2 months maybe? We can do it :p
I can't even look back at my old stuff, I think this next episode is gonna set a new standard of quality cuz like, I've been experimenting with a bunch of new techniques and stuff and I really think it helps form a better sense of identity for the show yknow? So I hope my efforts show.
I'm sorry to the guest VA's for the wait, I'm really excited to get this thing done but...euuuughhh harrrdddd... Maybe I should do something less ambitious next time, but me and the team are having fun so thas what counts :>
Until next time, happy valebtimes day!
Someone shoulds the Fazoobs in this episode!?!