ONE. I like dis emoji it reminds me of maymi teehee :p
AND B. somethins cookin... with a new cast under our belt, were more excited than ever to put out some silly shenanigans with our lil goobers and other ng icons! a short animation is being made before we get started on the big one

I seriously can't wait for yall to meet the new Maymi qwq
I probably can't say much on this, but I've been spending alot of time working on nutbuster too, and I think my contributions will be great additions to the game!
Wtbs ep 3's script is finalized, so its just a matter of time before we start recording, then its grind time >:3
I made this new asset for the show. It'll show up to tell the name of any song thats playing in a scene, making it easier to kno what song is playing, or if a song is completely original!

itll be cool i swears
also have these lil sketches I made for the gym episode a while back for some audio related experiments, so after these I hopefully won't have to reference it again.

I'm still pretty happy with how episode 2 came out, was aloooottt better than the pilot, can really tell i've learned alot -v-"
but ya i'm really looking foward to using more of the cast, especially kairy's va and maymi's va, SHOUTOUT TO YOU CAKEYFLOWERY I LOVE YOU ♡ ♡ ♡

(we might give her a couple cameos I dunno because I just love her design, cakey is so good at making fun character designs)
They're fun to work with! makes it easier that they're already my friends
That bein said were gonna be introducing some new characters soon, cuz yknow I've had these lil goobers rotting away in my sketch book for years now, its just a matter of time before I get to show what they're all about! One of my friends came aboard to voice Jackie frost, so shes probably gonna be getting more speaking roles, which I'm really looking foward to, and my friend "azzie" is new and.....will.....dooooo...something..?

Episode 2 was a lil crazy, so episode 3 is gonna reel it back a bit and focus more on the main 4 gooblets, so more laid back, but still not calm by any means yknow? :v
I'm pretty satisfied where things are right now, as always I greatly appreciate the support I've been getting from the NG community, you guys are seriously the best >:P
and if you read all have a pretty good attention span
Thats all for now, I'll be making more projects soon, so until next time!
Peace ✌️