I wanna make cartoons, so thas what imma do *wink wonk* *happy face* *and scene*


Joined on 8/20/21

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HisCoconutGun's News

Posted by HisCoconutGun - 1 month ago

iu_1348619_9726091.webpIM...STILL WORKIN ON IT

I just recently got into college and I'm still adjusting and stuf :[

Which sidenote, i forgot how much I tend to doodle during classiu_1348620_9726091.webp

BUT I picked up work on the episode again recently and its been going well! Sooo I'm hoping to get it done in saayy the nexttt 2 months maybe? We can do it :p

I can't even look back at my old stuff, I think this next episode is gonna set a new standard of quality cuz like, I've been experimenting with a bunch of new techniques and stuff and I really think it helps form a better sense of identity for the show yknow? So I hope my efforts show.iu_1348633_9726091.gif

I'm sorry to the guest VA's for the wait, I'm really excited to get this thing done but...euuuughhh harrrdddd... Maybe I should do something less ambitious next time, but me and the team are having fun so thas what counts :>

Until next time, happy valebtimes day!iu_1348623_9726091.gif



Posted by HisCoconutGun - November 12th, 2024


is my birfday! wahoooo! Ya so I didn't have time to make like an art post or anythin I pretty busy so uhh

Instead I'll jus use this as a way to update on the goings ons and whatnotiu_1300206_9726091.gif

So check it, Episode 3 right? The sick episode right? We gonna hafta put it on hold for a bit :T

though progress has been going very good! its been a blast working with everyone, weve had alot of laughsiu_1300226_9726091.gif

This episode is gonna be speecil, cuz we've got some guest appearances from some very talented actors! and ya kno, like, I gotsa say, the support we been getting for this project is crazy dawg, I appreciate everyone for jus like, believing in this project, and wanting to see it get made, it means alot! The concept art in the credits will be sharing time with a bunch of fanart I've gotten, jus to show off what the fans can do, cuz they're really nice! I can't wait to show everybodyiu_1300227_9726091.gif

instead I will be working on a surprise christmas episode for the NGTV Christmas marathon! It was an emergency, I need ta see dis on vhs I'm so cereal. SO I called up my va's and they were like bet and I was like cool so we recorded somethin reaaal quick. Luckily I had a script lying around that I could use so WE ARE GETTING DIS EPISODE >:[iu_1300203_9726091.webp

arent they jus de cutest patooties? It's not gonna be as ambitious as the sick episode, but itll still be pretty fun! So expect that before the end of the year, CHRISTMAS YEAAA F#CK YOU THANKSGIVING LETS GOOOOiu_1300205_9726091.gif

thats it for now, thanks as always for checking in! And sorry I havent posted many animations for a bit, I'm working reaaall hard on these ones...

But anyways, take care!iu_1300208_9726091.gif



Posted by HisCoconutGun - September 29th, 2024

So check it.

I took a bit of a break on the animation stuff for a few days to focus on like, regular art, nutbuster, all that stuf, and I think it was for the best cuz I feel like my grasp on lineart and colors and what have you has improved a ton! So I start workin on this episode right? And I think its safe to say it'll be a much bigger step up in qualityiu_1276527_9726091.gif

Maymi has a bad case of the stripes Ive been fiddling around with different sick designs for a bit..

The art direction has been overhauled a bit, I think going fowards Imma incorporate a more pastel palette :v

SO LIKE I have been playing around a LOT with different color blending and lighting techniques, and it gives the show a much cozier vibe! perfect for the more mellow scenes, which this episode is gonna focus on a bit, IN ORDER TO PREACH THE SUPER POWER OF FRIENDSHIPPPP!!!

This is what friendship looks like-


Not that I'm goin all soft, its just an element I at least want present :T

I'm trying to make this my best animation yet, yknow I'm always tryna improve from my last project, this is no exception >:1

It is a bit ambitious, but thas aight, we gonna get it done. I wanna make more parody animations too, so I might work on those on the side :P

preciate the support, I'm feeling good about this one! So I hope people check it out

till next time, peaceiu_1276523_9726091.webp



Posted by HisCoconutGun - September 14th, 2024

Were getting closer and closer to the end of the month and me and Chal have been hard at work on this new version of nutbuster. (but mainly chal)

While I may not be savvy in code, i've found plenty of other ways to lend a hand! you kno what that means?

Fully animated hand drawn cutscenes


yaaaa thas riiiiight were goin all out wit this one... As a way to spice up the presentation some, weve planned out a buuunch of animations for me to make, whether it be for cutscenes or in-game assets like shops! I think it adds a lot of charm and personality to the game, and I hope players enjoy stumbling upon them. This game is becoming more of a love letter to the ng community the more we work on it, we have high hopes for nutbuster! And making assets for the game is always fun


If you couldn't tell from the last update, I've been doing some pixel art as well to help with npc's and stuff (check the rat village shop) but unfortunately with the new direction the games been taking, they've been scrapped, which is okay cuz they're a little old now so we'll see how they look in the future

With that being said, this community post will become their grave :]



so yea i love nutbuster its so silly and goofy and HREBJBUFRE I hope people look foward to the future of nutbuster as much as me, I'm gonna be making more promotional art and whatever else here soon >:3

other than that uhhhh thanks for the frontpage the other day

thank you coomic for looking at my fanart

thank you random person for reading my post


This is probably whats coming nextiu_1269262_9726091.webp



Posted by HisCoconutGun - August 22nd, 2024

ONE. I like dis emoji it reminds me of maymi teehee :p

AND B. somethins cookin... with a new cast under our belt, were more excited than ever to put out some silly shenanigans with our lil goobers and other ng icons! a short animation is being made before we get started on the big one


I seriously can't wait for yall to meet the new Maymi qwq

I probably can't say much on this, but I've been spending alot of time working on nutbuster too, and I think my contributions will be great additions to the game!

Wtbs ep 3's script is finalized, so its just a matter of time before we start recording, then its grind time >:3

I made this new asset for the show. It'll show up to tell the name of any song thats playing in a scene, making it easier to kno what song is playing, or if a song is completely original!


itll be cool i swears

also have these lil sketches I made for the gym episode a while back for some audio related experiments, so after these I hopefully won't have to reference it again.


I'm still pretty happy with how episode 2 came out, was aloooottt better than the pilot, can really tell i've learned alot -v-"

but ya i'm really looking foward to using more of the cast, especially kairy's va and maymi's va, SHOUTOUT TO YOU CAKEYFLOWERY I LOVE YOU ♡ ♡ ♡ 


(we might give her a couple cameos I dunno because I just love her design, cakey is so good at making fun character designs)

They're fun to work with! makes it easier that they're already my friends

That bein said were gonna be introducing some new characters soon, cuz yknow I've had these lil goobers rotting away in my sketch book for years now, its just a matter of time before I get to show what they're all about! One of my friends came aboard to voice Jackie frost, so shes probably gonna be getting more speaking roles, which I'm really looking foward to, and my friend "azzie" is new and.....will.....dooooo...something..?


Episode 2 was a lil crazy, so episode 3 is gonna reel it back a bit and focus more on the main 4 gooblets, so more laid back, but still not calm by any means yknow? :v

I'm pretty satisfied where things are right now, as always I greatly appreciate the support I've been getting from the NG community, you guys are seriously the best >:P

and if you read all dis.......you have a pretty good attention span

Thats all for now, I'll be making more projects soon, so until next time!

Peace ✌️




Posted by HisCoconutGun - July 23rd, 2024


Heya, we're currently looking for new female voice actors to play the role of Maymi for our series, if anyones interested, please check out the link :]




Posted by HisCoconutGun - July 17th, 2024

This post contains several frames from my latest creation:

Wtbs Ep. 2

Bro NOT enough people talk about smear frames I feel. Maybe cuz theyre not on screen long, so theyre harder to see and stuff, but smear frames are some of my favorite things to do when animating. While making episode 2 of my series I thought it'd be fun to show some more love to these drawings, SO IMMM GOING TO put a few here, until THE GREATOR POPULATION can see that SMEAR FRAMESS...are pretty cool :3


these are just a few smear frames ive done in recent time, maybe not the most exaggerated, but their importance STILLL SHOULD not be overlooked u-u

Seriously alot of people probably know this already but smear frames can add alot to an animation, not only are they silly lookin, but they can convey swift movements in a short amount of frames very well! Its stylish AAAaaaanddd practical >:]

If you ever got time, just be on the lookout for these, cuz again, theyre some of my favorite parts of animation and i think others can agree, they so cool!!



Posted by HisCoconutGun - June 6th, 2024

Just wanted to post some screenshots from the episode I'm workin on, cuz I really think I been cookin the past couple weeks, so check it out :]

iu_1216338_9726091.gifwe got beas battling his personal drama or whatever, you know how it goes, the drama queeniu_1216339_9726091.gifkairy is getting her first official speaking role and she is just a delight i love her so much!! ASFIHAEUIFGNAWIUiu_1216336_9726091.pngburt is shaping up to be a pretty entertaining antagonist, he's pretty fun to animate despite how troublesome all his BEEG bulgy MUSCLES are to draw sometimes.iu_1216337_9726091.webpAt this rate, I'd say the episode has a chance at getting done by the end of this month, its been real fun drawing all the goofy expressions and wild motions these characters make so I don't think I wanna slow down any time soon. I don't wanna show off too much, so thas about it for now. I hope you guys will check it out when its complete :>

till next time, laterrrr



Posted by HisCoconutGun - May 16th, 2024

update i actually made a video on this so you can check it out if you want:


wwWWELP. Now that I got my pico day submission done, I'm ready to move onto other projects :v

Thanks for 300 followers by the by that tugged at my heart strings ya nom sayin?

I thought it'd be good to highlight a couple ideas I wanted to get done by the end of this year so if anyones curious what I'm up to you'll know

FIRST OF ALLLL we obviously gotta get episode 2 of my series done, but I may work on something else in between, namely this Friday night funkin cartoon I had an idea for a while back. I be forgettin just how cool the base game is when its not over saturated with all them mods, so i think thatd be fun. PLOT IS uhhh Bf finds a gun in the park and so his best bud pico comes in with his GANG and shoots up his apartment TO protect him of course andd thats about it eheheeee iu_1204469_9726091.webp

I actually might do a couple shorts because doing voices for these guys is just so gosh darn fun I dont know if i can limit myself to jus one short :p

I wanna do an animated music video where pico and darnell sing 'darnell' but its played out like an ordinary rap song on vevo so their animations are more realistic I think thatd be pretty funny


but besides thaaatt ive got like, a TON of scripts for the show that were probably not gonna get to for a looong while, theyre mainly comics i made from like middle school but i interpreted it with my modern taste yknow? one we miiight be able to get to is this episode where Maymi gets sick and so the boys take care of her and make her a soup but the soup is evil and turns into a giant soup monster and kills everyone. iu_1204471_9726091.webp

And then one of my personal favorites is a gun safety episode where the goobers find a...gun...in the park........wait.

and then captain commander takes them back in time to teach them all about firearms (and it goes about as well as youd expect)iu_1204472_9726091.webp

the thought of it is just really exciting, even if I wont be able to get it all done super quickly... either wayyyy ill probably have more time to work over the summer, so I hope you stay tuned in to see what i've got in store, cuz itsss alot!

till next time, have a nice summer!iu_1204473_9726091.webp



Posted by HisCoconutGun - May 9th, 2024


I'm not dead, I'm still workin on this pico day thing, its gotten a bit more ambitious than I thought it'd be

I was originally jus gonna do a couple drawings but I decided to make it an animated gif to make it seem more lively

linework is nearly done, and I wanted to show off some sketches I thought were cool


I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the week so I can get back to work on my other projects, but so far pico day has been real fun! there are so many good submissions and seeing all the passion and stuff that goes into celebrating this site really makes me happy to participate in it for the first time. (I'm also like super jealous of everyone else's skill like holy cow)

iu_1201468_9726091.gifbut ya I jus wanted to make sure I wasn't inactive for too long, I really wanna make another movie soon I'm getting reaaaalll anxious yknow? :T

till next time ng gang :p
